Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome to Mini DIY blog!

Whoever has the time and skills these days to pull-off a major DIY project like constructing a shoe cabinet, or re-tiling the bathroom? Leave the heavy stuff to the professionals and the hardcore DIY-ers. Here, I'm referring to the absolutely simple DIY tasks that the average Joe and Jane can manage. This blog allows me to share these DIY ideas and solutions.

I'm definitely no DIY expert, but I have done simple fixes and improvement for various things in and out of the home. These are easy-to-accomplish and fun projects that takes less than a weekend. Indeed, many of them can be completed within an hour! Also, such DIY projects often require only bits and pieces of stuff that we would normally trash. So it's a great way to be recycling too.

So what mini DIY projects am I talking about? How about repairing those faulty buttons on that favorite remote instead of dumping it? Or a simple solution to ventilate your computer yet keeping it dust-free inside? Maybe you haven't found a neat way to easily hang groceries behind your car seat? Stay tuned for such mini DIY fixes, plus tips and tricks I have picked up on my own, as well as those I may have found from other like-minded Mini DIY-ers out there.